Adobe Media Encoder (AME) Scripting API Reference (A-Z)¶
Revision date: 2023-09-04
The event will be sent after batch item creation failed. Can be used for the following FrontendScriptObject API’s: ‘addFileToBatch’, ‘addTeamProjectsItemToBatch’ and ‘addDLToBatch’.
error: string
: Get the error stringonBatchItemCreationFailed: constant string
: Notify when the batch item creation failed.srcFilePath: string
: Get the source file path.
Code Samples¶
onBatchItemCreationFailed Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia.mp4";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia.mp4"
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
frontend.addEventListener("onBatchItemCreationFailed", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Sourcefile", eventObj.srcFilePath);
$.writeln("onBatchItemCreationFailed: error", eventObj.error);
var batchItemSuccess = frontend.addItemToBatch(source);
if (batchItemSuccess) {
$.writeln(source, " has been added successfully");
Provides the following event types: onMediaInfoCreated, onBatchItemStatusChanged, onItemEncodingStarted, onAudioPreEncodeProgress, onEncodingItemProgressUpdated, onEncodeComplete, onError, onPostProcessListInitialized
audioInfo: string
: Returns the audio pre-encoding info for the event type onAudioPreEncodeProgress (available since 24.0).audioProgress: float
: Returns the audio pre-encoding progress for the event type onAudioPreEncodeProgress (available since 24.0).encodeCompleteStatus: bool
: Returns true after encoding has been completed for a batch item. Can be called for onEncodeComplete event.encodeCompleteTime: float
: Returns the encoding time in milliseconds. Can be called for onEncodeComplete event.groupIndex: unsigned int
: Returns the batch group index. Can be called for onBatchItemStatusChanged event.itemIndex: unsigned int
: Returns the batch item index. Can be called for onBatchItemStatusChanged event.onAudioPreEncodeProgress: constant string
: Notify when the audio pre-encode progress changes (available since 24.0)onBatchItemStatusChanged: constant string
: Notify when batch item status has been changed. You can call the API’s groupIndex, itemIndex and status for more info.onEncodeComplete: constant string
: Notify when the batch item has been encoded. You can call the API’s encodeCompleteStatus and encodeCompleteTime for more info.onEncodingItemProgressUpdated: constant string
: Notify the encoding progress.onError: constant string
: Notify when there’s an error while encoding the batch item.onItemEncodingStarted: constant string
: Notify when the encoding of a batch item has started.onMediaInfoCreated: constant string
: Notify when media info has been created.onPostProcessListInitialized: constant string
: Notify when the post process list is initialized.progress: float
: Returns the batch item encoding progress value which is between 0 and 1. Can be called for onEncodingItemProgressUpdated eventstatus: unsigned int
: Returns the batch item status. 0 : Waiting, 1 : Done, 2 : Failed, 3 : Skipped, 4 : Encoding, 5 : Paused, 6 : Stopped, 7 : Any, 8 : AutoStart, 9 : Done Warning, 10 : Watch Folder Waiting. Can be called for onBatchItemStatusChanged event.
Code Samples¶
encodeCompleteStatus Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encode Complete Status: " + eventObj.encodeCompleteStatus);
// Alternatively you can access the correct name of that event via the following const property:
var encodeCompleteEvent = AMEExportEvent.onEncodeComplete;
function (eventObj) {
"Encode Complete Status (alt): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteStatus
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
encodeCompleteTime Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
"Encode Complete Time in milli seconds: " + eventObj.encodeCompleteTime
// Alternatively you can access the correct name of that event via the following const property:
var encodeCompleteEvent = AMEExportEvent.onEncodeComplete;
function (eventObj) {
"Encode Complete Time in milli seconds: (alt): " +
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onBatchItemStatusChanged Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var batchItemStatusChangedEvent = AMEExportEvent.onBatchItemStatusChanged;
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onBatchItemStatusChanged'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Batch group index: " + eventObj.groupIndex);
$.writeln("Batch item index: " + eventObj.itemIndex);
//Possible status values:
//kBatchItemStatus_Waiting = 0,
$.writeln("Batch item status: " + eventObj.status);
// Alternatively you can listen to "onBatchItemStatusChanged"
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Batch group index (alt): " + eventObj.groupIndex);
$.writeln("Batch item index (alt): " + eventObj.itemIndex);
//Possible status values:
//kBatchItemStatus_Waiting = 0,
$.writeln("Batch item status (alt): " + eventObj.status);
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onEncodeComplete Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var encodeCompleteEvent = AMEExportEvent.onEncodeComplete;
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onEncodeComplete'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encode Complete Status: " + eventObj.encodeCompleteStatus);
"Encode Complete Time (in milli seconds): " +
// Alternatively you can listen to "onEncodeComplete"
function (eventObj) {
"Encode Complete Status (alt): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteStatus
"Encode Complete Time in milli seconds (alt): " +
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onEncodingItemProgressUpdated Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var encodingItemProgressUpdatedEvent =
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onEncodingItemProgressUpdated'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.progress);
// Alternatively you can listen to "onEncodingItemProgressUpdated"
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item (alt): " + eventObj.progress);
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onError Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var errorEvent = AMEExportEvent.onError;
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onError'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Error while encoding");
// Alternatively you can listen to "onError"
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Error while encoding (alt)");
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onItemEncodingStarted Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var itemEncodingStartedEvent = AMEExportEvent.onItemEncodingStarted;
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onItemEncodingStarted'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding started for batch item.");
// Alternatively you can listen to "onItemEncodingStarted"
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding started for batch item (alt).");
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onMediaInfoCreated Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var mediaInfoCreatedEvent = AMEExportEvent.onMediaInfoCreated;
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onMediaInfoCreated'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Media info created");
// Alternatively you can listen to "onMediaInfoCreated"
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Media info created (alt)");
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
onPostProcessListInitialized Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var postProcessListInitializedEvent =
"Event name is identical with the const property API name ('onPostProcessListInitialized'): " +
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Post process list has been initialized.");
// Alternatively you can listen to "onPostProcessListInitialized"
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Post process list has been initialized (alt).");
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
progress Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.progress);
// Alternatively you can access the correct name of that event via the following const property:
var encodingItemProgressUpdatedEvent =
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item (alt): " + eventObj.progress);
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
status Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
//Possible status values:
// 0 : Waiting
// 1 : Done
// 2 : Failed
// 3 : Skipped
// 4 : Encoding
// 5 : Paused
// 6 : Stopped
// 7 : Any
// 8 : AutoStart
// 9 : Done Warning
// 10 : Watch Folder Waiting.
$.writeln("Batch item status: " + eventObj.status);
// Alternatively you can access the correct name of that event via the following const property:
var batchItemStatusChangedEvent = AMEExportEvent.onBatchItemStatusChanged;
function (eventObj) {
//Possible status values:
// 0 : Waiting
// 1 : Done
// 2 : Failed
// 3 : Skipped
// 4 : Encoding
// 5 : Paused
// 6 : Stopped
// 7 : Any
// 8 : AutoStart
// 9 : Done Warning
// 10 : Watch Folder Waiting.
$.writeln("Batch item status (alt): " + eventObj.status);
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
The event will be sent after a batch item has been created successfully.
onItemAddedToBatch: constant string
: Notify when a batch item has been created successfully. Can be used for all FrontendScriptObject API’s which creates a batch item.
Code Samples¶
onItemAddedToBatch Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia.mp4";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia.mp4"
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Item added to Batch");
var batchItemSuccess = frontend.addItemToBatch(source);
if (batchItemSuccess) {
$.writeln(source, " has been added successfully");
Top level app object
buildNumber: string
: Get application build number
assertToConsole(): bool
: Redirect assert output to stdout.bringToFront(): bool
: Bring application to frontcancelTask(taskID: int): bool
: Cancel the task that matches the task IDgetEncoderHost(): scripting object
: Get the encoder host object. See EncoderHostScriptObjectgetExporter(): scripting object
: Get the exporter object. See ExporterScriptObjectgetFrontend(): scripting object
: Get the front end object. See FrontendScriptObjectgetWatchFolder(): scripting object
: Get the watch folder object. See WatchFolderScriptObjectisBlackVideo(sourcePath: string): bool
: True if all frames are blackisSilentAudio(sourcePath: string): bool
: True if audio is silentquit(): bool
: Quit the AME apprenderFrameSequence(sourcePath: string, outputPath: string, renderAll: bool, startFrame: int): bool
: Render still frames for given sourcescheduleTask(scriptToExecute: string, delayInMilliseconds: int, repeat: bool): int
: Schedule a script to run after delay, returns task IDscriptToExecute
: Put your script as text, e.g. ‘app.getEncoderHost().runBatch()’.
wait(milliseconds: unsigned int): bool
: Non UI blocking wait in millisecondswrite(text: string): bool
: Write text to std out
Code Samples¶
getExporter Example (click to expand):
var exporter = app.getExporter();
// check ExporterScriptObject to see which methods/properties you can apply
isBlackVideo Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia.mp4";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia.mp4"
var blackVideo = app.isBlackVideo(source);
if (blackVideo) {
$.writeln("The input file has only black frames");
isSilentAudio Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia.mp4";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia.mp4"
var silent = app.isSilentAudio(source);
if (silent) {
$.writeln("The input file has no audio");
renderFrameSequence Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder/output.mp4;
var renderall = true;
var startTime = 0;
var success = app.renderFrameSequence(
if (success) {
$.writeln("renderFrameSequence() successfully done");
scheduleTask Example (click to expand):
var format = "";
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// Either format or preset can be empty, output is optional
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(source, format, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
var taskID = app.scheduleTask(
"var e = app.getEncoderHost(); e.runBatch()",
} else {
$.writeln("Encoder wrapper object is not valid.");
} else {
$.writeln("Frontend object is not valid.");
Provides several utility methods including batch commands to run, pause or stop the batch.
createEncoderForFormat(inFormatName: string): scripting object
: Returns an ‘EncoderWrapper’ script object for the requested format.getBatchEncoderStatus(): string
: Returns the current status of the batch encoder. The values are: invalid, paused, running, stopped, stopping (available since 23.3).getCurrentBatchPreview(inOutputPath: string): bool
: Writes out the current batch preview image (tiff format) to the given path.inOutputPath
: Path to store a ‘tiff’ file.
getFormatList(): array of strings
: Returns a list of all available formats.getSourceInfo(sourcePath: string): scripting object
: Returns a ‘SourceMediaInfo’ script object which can give detailed info about the provided source.sourcePath
: Media path
getSupportedImportFileTypes(): array of strings
: Returns list of all available formats.isBatchRunning(): bool
: Returns true if a batch job is running.pauseBatch(): bool
: Pauses the batch (always returns true).runBatch(): bool
: Runs the batch (always returns true).stopBatch(): bool
: Stops the batch (always returns true).
Code Samples¶
Example (click to expand):
var format = "H.264"; // e.g. H.264
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia1.mxf";
var outputFile = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder\\output.tiff";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia1.mxf"
// var outputFile = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder/output.tiff";
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
function (eventObj) {
"onBatchEncoderStatusChanged to status: " + eventObj.batchEncoderStatus
// API "getSourceInfo"
var sourceMediaInfo = encoderHost.getSourceInfo(source);
if (sourceMediaInfo) {
// For 'sourceMediaInfo' you can now call properties of the 'SourceMediaInfo' script object, e.g.:
// (See detailed info in the documentation of 'SourceMediaInfo')
"Embedded description of the source: " + sourceMediaInfo.description
// API "getFormatList"
var formatList = encoderHost.getFormatList();
$.writeln("formatList: " + formatList);
// API "createEncoderForFormat"
var encoderWrapper = encoderHost.createEncoderForFormat(format);
if (encoderWrapper) {
// For 'encoder' you can now call properties/methods of the 'EncoderWrapper" script object, e.g.:
// (See detailed info in the documentation of 'EncoderWrapper')
var frameRate = "25";
// API "isBatchRunning"
var isBatchRunning = encoderHost.isBatchRunning();
// With the current script the return value should be 'false' since no batch (job) is running.
// After adding batch items (see FrontendScriptObject) and calling encoderHost.runBatch() this method returns 'true' as long as a job is running.
$.writeln("isBatchRunning: " + isBatchRunning);
// API "getBatchEncoderStatus"
var batchStatus = encoderHost.getBatchEncoderStatus();
// expected value is "stopped", because the batch had not been started.
// The values are: invalid, paused, running, stopped, stopping
$.writeln("batch status is: " + batchStatus);
// API "runBatch" (always returns true and therefore it's not necessary to store the result)
// API "pauseBatch" (always returns true and therefore it's not necessary to store the result)
// API "stopBatch" (always returns true and therefore it's not necessary to store the result)
// API "getCurrentBatchPreview"
var result = encoderHost.getCurrentBatchPreview(outputFile);
$.writeln("result: " + result);
// API "getSupportedImportFileTypes"
var supportedFileTypes = encoderHost.getSupportedImportFileTypes();
$.writeln("supportedFileTypes: " + supportedFileTypes);
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost script object not defined");
Provides the following event types for items in the batch queue: onItemEncodingStarted, onAudioPreEncodeProgress, onEncodingItemProgressUpdate, onItemEncodeComplete. For multiple batch items in the queue we recommend to use this event to ensure that the event types will be received for all batch items. It provides the following event type for the whole batch queue: onBatchEncoderStatusChanged.
audioInfo: string
: Returns the audio pre-encoding info for the event type onAudioPreEncodeProgress (available since 24.0).audioProgress: float
: Returns the audio pre-encoding progress for the event type onAudioPreEncodeProgress (available since 24.0).batchEncoderStatus: string
: Returns the status of the batch encoder, when the event was sent. Can be called for onBatchEncoderStatusChanged event, otherwise the status will be invalid. The values are: invalid, paused, running, stopped, stopping (available since 23.3).onAudioPreEncodeProgress: constant string
: Notify when the audio pre-encode progress changes (available since 24.0).onBatchEncoderStatusChanged: constant string
: Notify when the batch encoder status has changed. Get the new status from the batchEncoderStatus property. (available since 23.3)onEncodingItemProgressUpdate: constant string
: Notify of the batch item encoding progress (available since 23.1).onItemEncodeCompleted: constant string
: Notify when the batch item has been encoded.onItemEncodingStarted: constant string
: Notify when the batch item encoding started (available since 23.1).outputFilePath: string
: Returns the path of the output file. Can be called for onItemEncodingStarted and onItemEncodeComplete events.progress: float
: Returns the encoding progress between 0 and 1. Can be called for onEncodingItemProgressUpdate event.result: string
: Returns the encoding result ‘True’ or ‘False’. Can be called for onItemEncodeComplete event.sourceFilePath: string
: Returns the path of the source file. Can be called for onItemEncodingStarted and onItemEncodeComplete events.
Code Samples¶
Example (click to expand):
// Please use this event when you have multiple batch items in the queue (added manually or via a script as below)
// to ensure you receive all event types
var source_1 = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia1.mxf";
var source_2 = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia2.mxf";
var source_3 = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
// //sources for mac
// var source_1 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia1.mxf"
// var source_2 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia2.mxf";
// var source_3 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onItemAddedToBatch: success");
var batchItemSuccess_1 = frontend.addItemToBatch(source_1);
var batchItemSuccess_2 = frontend.addItemToBatch(source_2);
var batchItemSuccess_3 = frontend.addItemToBatch(source_3);
if (batchItemSuccess_1 && batchItemSuccess_2 && batchItemSuccess_3) {
"Batch item added successfully for the source files ",
source_1 + " , " + source_2 + " , " + source_3
encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
// listen to the item encoding started event (available since 23.1.)
function (eventObj) {
"onItemEncodingStarted: Source File Path: " +
"onItemEncodingStarted: Output File Path: " +
/* for earlier versions (23.0. or older) there's an additional step necessary to listen to the onItemEncodingStarted event
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
// listen to the item encoding progress event (available since 23.1.)
function (eventObj) {
"onEncodingItemProgessUpdate: Encoding Progress: " +
// listen to the audio pre-encoding progress event (available since 24.0.)
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Audio pre-encoding info: " + eventObj.audioInfo);
$.writeln("Audio pre-encoding progress: " + eventObj.audioProgress);
/* for earlier versions (23.0. or older) there's an additional step necessary to listen to the onEncodingItemProgressUpdated event
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("onEncodingItemProgessUpdated: Encoding Progress: " + eventObj.progress);
// listen to the item encoding complete event
encoderHost.addEventListener("onItemEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("onItemEncodeComplete: Result: " + eventObj.result);
"onItemEncodeComplete: Source File Path: " + eventObj.sourceFilePath
"onItemEncodeComplete: Output File Path: " + eventObj.outputFilePath
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("batch item wasn't added successfully");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
Queue item object to set encode properties
outputFiles: array of strings
: Gets the list of files the encode generatedoutputHeight: float
: Gets the height of the encoded output fileoutputWidth: float
: Gets the width of the encoded output file
SetIncludeSourceXMP(includeSourceXMP: bool): bool
: Toggle the inclusion of source XMP [boolean] input value requiredgetEncodeProgress(): int
: Returns the encode progress as percentagegetEncodeTime(): float
: Return the encode time in millisecondsgetLogOutput(): string
: Returns the log output including possible warnings and errors (available since 23.2.).getMissingAssets(includeSource: bool, includeOutput: bool): array of strings
: Returns a list of missing assetsincludeSource
: Get missing asset list from the source group if requested
getPresetList(): array of strings
: Returns the presets available for the assigned formatloadFormat(format: string): bool
: Changes the format for the batch itemformat
: E.g. ‘H.264’ Loads all presets available for the assigned format
loadPreset(presetPath: string): bool
: Loads and assigns the preset to the batch itemsetCropOffsets(left: unsigned int, top: unsigned int, right: unsigned int, bottom: unsigned int): bool
: Sets the crop offsetssetCropState(cropState: bool): bool
: Sets the crop state [boolean] input value requiredsetCropType(cropType: unsigned int): bool
: Sets the scale typecropType
: 0 ScaleToFit, 1 ScaleToFitBeforeCrop, 2 SetAsOutputSize, 3 ScaleToFill, 4 ScaleToFillBeforeCrop, 5 StretchToFill, 6 StretchToFillBeforeCrop
setCuePointData(inCuePointsFilePath: string): bool
: Sets the cue point datasetFrameRate(framerate: string): bool
: Sets the frame rate for the batch itemframerate
: E.g. ‘24’ as string
setIncludeSourceCuePoints(includeSourceCuePoints: bool): bool
: Toggle the inclusion of cue points [boolean] input value requiredsetOutputFrameSize(width: unsigned int, height: unsigned int): bool
: Sets the output frame sizesetRotation(rotationValue: float): bool
: Sets the rotation (in a 360 degree system)rotationValue
: E.g. 0.0 - 360.0
setScaleType(scaleType: unsigned int): bool
: Sets the scale typescaleType
: 0 ScaleToFit, 1 ScaleToFitBeforeCrop, 2 SetAsOutputSize, 3 ScaleToFill, 4 ScaleToFillBeforeCrop, 5 StretchToFill, 6 StretchToFillBeforeCrop
setTimeInterpolationType(interpolationType: unsigned int): bool
: Set the time interpolation typeinterpolationType
: 0 FrameSampling, 1 FrameBlending, 2 OpticalFlow
setUseFrameBlending(useFrameBlending: bool): bool
: Toggle the use of frame blending [boolean] input value requiredsetUseMaximumRenderQuality(useMaximumRenderQuality: bool): bool
: Toggle the use of maximum render quality [boolean] input value requiredsetUsePreviewFiles(usePreviewFiles: bool): bool
: Toggle the use of previews files. [boolean] input value requiredsetWorkArea(workAreaType: unsigned int, startTime: float, endTime: float): bool
: Sets the work area type, start and end time for the batch itemworkAreaType
: 0 Entire, 1 InToOut, 2 WorkArea, 3 Custom, 4 UseDefault
setWorkAreaInTicks(workAreaType: unsigned int, startTime: string, endTime: string): bool
: Sets the work area type, start and end time in ticks for the batch item (available since 23.3)workAreaType
: 0 Entire, 1 InToOut, 2 WorkArea, 3 Custom, 4 UseDefault
setXMPData(templateXMPFilePath: string): bool
: Sets XMP data to given template
Code Samples¶
Example (click to expand):
var format = "";
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// Either format or preset can be empty, output is optional
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(source, format, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
"Frontend script engine added the source file using addFileToBatch-",
" successfully"
$.writeln("width :", encoderWrapper.outputWidth);
$.writeln("height:", encoderWrapper.outputHeight);
$.writeln("outputFiles:", encoderWrapper.outputFiles);
//input value is string please use e.g. "25"
//int, 0-Entire, 1-InToOut, 2-WorkArea, 3-Custom, 4:UseDefault
encoderWrapper.setWorkArea(2, 0.0, 1.0);
var usePreviewFiles = true;
var useMaximumRenderQuality = true;
var useFrameBlending = true;
// int-0-FrameSampling, 1-FrameBlending, 2-OpticalFlow
// be aware that this method first letter is upper case
var includeSourceXMP = true;
var includeSourceCuePoints = false;
var cropState = true;
//int, 0-ScaleToFit, 1-ScaleToFitBeforeCrop, 2-SetAsOutputSize, 3-ScaleToFill, 4-ScaleToFillBeforeCrop, 5-StretchToFill, 6-StretchToFillBeforeCrop",
//int, 0-ScaleToFit, 1-ScaleToFitBeforeCrop, 2-SetAsOutputSize, 3-ScaleToFill, 4-ScaleToFillBeforeCrop, 5-StretchToFill, 6-StretchToFillBeforeCrop",
// rotate clockwise, input values will be transformed into [0 - 360], so -90 is equal to 270
//left, top, right, bottom
encoderWrapper.setCropOffsets(10, 20, 10, 20);
//width and height
encoderWrapper.setOutputFrameSize(1200, 800);
// default is off - deprecated
var encoderHostWrapper = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHostWrapper) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderWrapper is not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend obj is not valid");
getLogOutput Example (click to expand):
var format = "H.264";
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality1080_HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality1080_HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
* getLogOutPut() returns a string in JSON format containing the possible errors and warnings as well as the summary of the batch item
* that is added to the queue.
* The getLogOutput() method is implemented in the EncoderWrapperScriptObject.
* You can use getLogOutput() method when you have used one of these following methods:
* FrontEndScriptObject:
* - addFileToBatch()
* - addDLToBatch()
* - addTeamProjectsToBatch()
* - stitchFiles()
* In Addition it is possible to get the batch item status with
* encoderWrapper.addListener("onStatusChanged"){...} Here you will get "Done!", "Failed!", "Stopped!"
* ExportScriptObject:
* - export()
* - getSourceMediaInfo()
* In Addition it is possible to get the batch item status with
* exporter.addListener("OnBatchItemStatusChanged"){...} Here you will get integer values see ExportScriptObject for the details
* EncoderHostWrapper:
* - createEncoderFormat()
* Output format is
* {
* "time": "2023-01-16T12:18:36.617946",
* "error": "",
* "summary": []
* }
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(
if (encoderWrapper) {
$.writeln("Batch item is successfully added to the queue: ", source);
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeFinished", function (eventObj) {
// return the log output in JSON Format
// get encoder host to run batch
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
} else {
$.writeln("EncoderHostScriptObject is not valid");
} else {
"EncoderWrapperScriptObject is not valid - batch item wasn't added successfully"
} else {
$.writeln("FrontendScriptObject is not valid");
getPresetList Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
var format = "";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(source, format, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
$.writeln(source, " has been added successfully");
/**if you set the format parameter but no presetfilepath then you will
* get all related presets to this specific format.
* If you set the presetfilepath but no format, then the
* format will be set automatically that matches the current preset */
var presetList = encoderWrapper.getPresetList();
for (var index = 0; index < presetList.length; index++) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderWrapper object is not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("Frontend object is not valid");
loadFormat Example (click to expand):
var format = "";
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(source, format, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
} else {
$.writeln("EncoderWrapper object is not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("Frontend object is not valid");
loadPreset Example (click to expand):
var format = "";
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var differentPreset = "C:\\testdata\\High Quality 1080 HD.epr";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var differentPreset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/High Quality 1080 HD.epr";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// Either format name or presetPath can be empty, output filepath is optional
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(source, format, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
} else {
$.writeln("EncoderWrapper object is not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("Frontend object is not valid");
setWorkAreaInTicks Example (click to expand):
var format = "H.264";
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia4.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HD 720p.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia4.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HD 720p.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
// The value of ticksPerSecond is predefined in premiere pro and ame.
// For more information please have a look into
var ticksPerSecond = 254016000000;
var startTimeInTicks = 20 * ticksPerSecond;
var timeToAddInTicks = 30 * ticksPerSecond;
var startTimeinTicksStr = String(startTimeInTicks);
var endTimeInTicksStr = String(timeToAddInTicks);
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(
if (encoderWrapper) {
$.writeln("workarea start time: ", startTimeinTicksStr);
$.writeln("workarea end time: ", endTimeInTicksStr);
} else {
$.writeln("encoderWrapper is not valid");
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost is not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend is not valid");
An event to inform of encode progress and completion.
audioInfo: string
: Returns the audio pre-encoding info for the event type onAudioPreEncodeProgress (available since 24.0).audioProgress: string
: Returns the audio pre-encoding progress for the event type onAudioPreEncodeProgress (available since 24.0).onAudioPreEncodeProgress: constant string
: Notify when the audio pre-encode progress changes (available since 24.0).onEncodeFinished: constant string
: Notify when the batch item has been encoded.onEncodeProgress: constant string
: Notify when the batch item encode progress changes.result: string
: Returns the encoding result ‘Done!’, ‘Failed!’ or ‘Stopped!’ for the event type onEncodeFinished resp. the encoding progress for the event type onEncodeProgress which is between 0 and 100.
Code Samples¶
Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding result: " + eventObj.result);
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress: " + eventObj.result);
// listen to the audio pre-encoding progress event (available since 24.0.)
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Audio pre-encoding info: " + eventObj.audioInfo);
$.writeln("Audio pre-encoding progress: " + eventObj.audioProgress);
Contains several encoding methods. You can listen to different types of the AMEExportEvent: onEncodeComplete, onError, onMediaInfoCreated, onBatchItemStatusChanged, onItemEncodingStarted, onEncodingItemProgressUpdated, onAudioPreEncodeProgress, onPostProcessListInitialized
elapsedMilliseconds: float
: Returns the encode time in milliseconds.encodeID: string
: Returns the current encode item ID as string.
exportGroup(sourcePath: string, outputPath: string, presetsPath: string, matchSource: bool = false): bool
: Export the source with the provided list of presets. Returns true in case of success.sourcePath
: Media path (Premiere Pro projects aren’t supported).outputPath
: If outputPath is empty, then the output file location will be generated based on the source location.presetsPath
: Multiple preset paths can be provided separated via a | (e.g. ‘path1|path2|path3’matchSource
: Optional. Default value is false
exportItem(sourcePath: string, outputPath: string, presetPath: string, matchSource: bool = false, writeFramesToDisk: bool = false): scripting object
: Export the source with the provided preset. Returns an EncoderWrapper object.sourcePath
: Media path or Premiere Pro project path (In case of a Premiere Pro project the last sequence will be used).outputPath
: If outputPath is empty, then the output file location will be generated based on the source location.matchSource
: Optional. Default value is falsewriteFramesToDisk
: Optional. Default value is false. True writes five frames at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the full duration. Known issue: Currently it only works with parallel encoding disabled.
exportSequence(projectPath: string, outputPath: string, presetPath: string, matchSource: bool = false, writeFramesToDisk: bool = false, leadingFramesToTrim: int = 0, trailingFramesToTrim: int = 0, sequenceName: string = ""): bool
: Export the Premiere Pro sequence with the provided preset. Returns true in case of success.projectPath
: Premiere Pro project path.outputPath
: If outputPath is empty, then the output file location will be generated based on the source location.matchSource
: Optional. Default value is false.writeFramesToDisk
: Optional. Default value is false. True writes five frames at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the full duration. Known issue: Currently it only works with parallel encoding disabled.leadingFramesToTrim
: Optional. Default value is 0.trailingFramesToTrim
: Optional. Default value is 0.sequenceName
: Optional. If sequence name is empty then we use the last sequence of the project.
getSourceMediaInfo(sourcePath: string): scripting object
: Returns a SourceMediaInfo object.removeAllBatchItems(): bool
: Remove all batch items from the queue. Returns true in case of success.trimExportForSR(sourcePath: string, outputPath: string, presetPath: string, matchSource: bool = false, writeFramesToDisk: bool = false, leadingFramesToTrim: int = 0, trailingFramesToTrim: int = 0): bool
: Smart render the source with the provided preset. Returns true in case of success.sourcePath
: Media path or Premiere Pro project path (In case of a Premiere Pro project the last sequence will be used).outputPath
: If outputPath is empty, then the output file location will be generated based on the source location.matchSource
: Optional. Default value is false.writeFramesToDisk
: Optional. Default value is false. True writes five frames at 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the full duration. Known issue: Currently it only works with parallel encoding disabled.leadingFramesToTrim
: Optional. Default value is 0.trailingFramesToTrim
: Optional. Default value is 0.
Code Samples¶
elapsedMilliseconds Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
exporter.addEventListener("onEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
// We can get the encoding time from the event or from the exporter
"Encode Complete Time (in milli seconds): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteTime
var encodeCompleteTimeMilliseconds = exporter.elapsedMilliseconds;
"Encode Complete Time alt (in milli seconds): " +
encodeID Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
var encodeID = exporter.encodeID;
$.writeln("Encode ID: " + encodeID);
exportGroup Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset_1 = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var preset_2 = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 25p.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset_1 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var preset_2 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 25p.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var matchSourceSettings = false; // optional
var presets = preset_1 + "|" + preset_2;
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
function (eventObj) {
// We should arrive here two times (for every preset we have one batch item)
"Encode Complete Status (always true): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteStatus
// We encode both batch items in parallel and so we don't really get the exact time for each batch item
// When we arrive here the second time we get the total encoding time for both batch items (the first
// could be ignored)
"Encode Complete Time (in milliseconds): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteTime
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Error while encoding");
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Batch group index: " + eventObj.groupIndex);
$.writeln("Batch item index: " + eventObj.itemIndex);
Possible status values:
kBatchItemStatus_Waiting = 0,
$.writeln("Batch item status: " + eventObj.status);
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding started for batch item.");
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Media info created");
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Post process list has been initialized.");
var encodingPreperationSuccess = exporter.exportGroup(
// Without all optional arguments:
// var encodingPreperationSuccess = exporter.exportGroup(source, destination, presets);
"Encoding preparations were successful: " + encodingPreperationSuccess
exportItem Example (click to expand):
// Supported: PR projects (last sequence will be used)
// var source = "C:\\testdata\\prProjectTest.prproj;
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
var matchSourceSettings = false; // optional
var writeFramesToDisk = false; // optional
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD 50 PAL 50i.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
// listen to events dispatched by the exporter:
function (eventObj) {
"Encode Complete Status (always true): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteStatus
); // Complete status always true
"Encode Complete Time (in milliseconds): " + eventObj.encodeCompleteTime
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Error while encoding");
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Batch group index: " + eventObj.groupIndex);
$.writeln("Batch item index: " + eventObj.itemIndex);
//Possible status values:
//kBatchItemStatus_Waiting = 0,
$.writeln("Batch item status: " + eventObj.status);
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.progress);
// listen to the audio pre-encoding progress event (available since 24.0.)
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Audio pre-encoding info: " + eventObj.audioInfo);
$.writeln("Audio pre-encoding progress: " + eventObj.audioProgress);
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding started for batch item.");
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Media info created");
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Post process list has been initialized.");
var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(
// Without all optional arguments:
// var encoderWrapper = exporter.exportItem(source, destination, preset);
if (encoderWrapper) {
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding result: " + eventObj.result);
function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress: " + eventObj.result);
exportSequence Example (click to expand):
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD50PAL25p.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\Output";
var projectPath = "C:\\testdata\\prProjectTest.prproj";
// //sources for mac
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD50PAL25p.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/Output";
// var projectPath = "/Users/Shared/testdata/prProjectTest.prproj";
var matchSource = false;
var writeFramesToDisk = false;
var leadingFramesToTrim = 0;
var trailingFramesToTrim = 0;
var sequenceName = "AME-Test-Sequence";
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var encodingPreperationSuccess = exporter.exportSequence(
"Encoding preparations were successful: " + encodingPreperationSuccess
// please see 'exportGroup' how to register events
getSourceMediaInfo Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var sourceMediaInfo = exporter.getSourceMediaInfo(source);
if (sourceMediaInfo) {
removeAllBatchItems Example (click to expand):
// Preparation: Be sure there are some batch items in the queue. Otherwise create them via scripting API's or directly in the UI
// since we need some batch item in the queue to verify the API removeAllBatchItems
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var success = exporter.removeAllBatchItems();
$.writeln("Remove all batch items was successful: " + success);
trimExportForSR Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia.mp4";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\XDCAMHD50PAL25p.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia.mp4"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/XDCAMHD50PAL25p.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var matchSource = false;
var writeFramesToDisk = false;
var leadingFramesToTrim = 10;
var trailingFramesToTrim = 700;
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var encodingPreperationSuccess = exporter.trimExportForSR(
"Encoding preparations were successful: " + encodingPreperationSuccess
// please see 'exportGroup' how to register events
Scripting methods to the frontend
addCompToBatch(compPath: string, presetPath: string = "", outputPath: string = ""): bool
: Adds the first comp of an After Effects project resp. the first sequence of a Premiere Pro project to the batch.compPath
: Path to e.g. an After Effects project or Premiere Pro project. The first comp resp. sequence will be used.presetPath
: Optional. If presetPath is empty, then the default preset will be applied.outputPath
: Optional. If outputPath is empty, then the output file name will be generated based on the comp path.
addDLToBatch(projectPath: string, format: string, presetPath: string, guid: string, outputPath: string = ""): scripting object
: Adds e.g. an After Effects comp or Premiere Pro sequence to the batch and returns an EncoderWrapper object.projectPath
: E.g. Premiere Pro or After Effects project path.format
: E.g. ‘H.264’presetPath
: Either a preset or a format input must be present. If no preset is used then the default preset of the specified format will be applied.guid
: The unique id of e.g. a Premiere Pro sequence or After Effects composition.outputPath
: Optional. If outputPath is empty, then the output file name will be generated based on the project path.
addFileSequenceToBatch(containingFolder: string, imagePath: string, presetPath: string, outputPath: string = ""): bool
: Adds an image sequence to the batch. The images will be sorted in alphabetical order.containingFolder
: The folder containing image files.imagePath
: All images from the containing folder with the same extension will be added to the output file.outputPath
: Optional. If outputPath is empty, then the output file name will be generated based on the containingFolder name
addFileToBatch(filePath: string, format: string, presetPath: string, outputPath: string = ""): scripting object
: Adds a file to the batch and returns an EncoderWrapper object.filePath
: File path of a media source.format
: E.g. ‘H.264’presetPath
: Either a preset or a format input must be present. If no preset is used then the default preset of the specified format will be applied.outputPath
: Optional. If outputPath is empty, then the output file name will be generated based on the file path.
addItemToBatch(sourcePath: string): bool
: Adds a media source to the batch.sourcePath
: Path of the media source.
addTeamProjectsItemToBatch(projectsURL: string, format: string, presetPath: string, outputPath: string): scripting object
: Adds a team project item to the batch and returns an EncoderWrapper object.projectsURL
: Team Projects URL or Team Projects Snap. You can create a tp2snap file in PPro for a ProjectItem via the scripting API saveProjectSnapshot.format
: E.g. ‘H.264’presetPath
: Either a preset or a format input must be present. If no preset is used then the default preset of the specified format will be applied.
addXMLToBatch(xmlPath: string, presetPath: string, outputFolderPath: string = ""): bool
: Adds Final Cut Pro xml to the batch.xmlPath
: Path to a Final Cut Pro xml file.outputFolderPath
: Optional. If outputFolderPath is empty, then the output file name will be generated based on the XML file path.
getDLItemsAtRoot(projectPath: string): array of strings
: Returns the list of GUIDs for objects (sequences/comps) at the top/root level.projectPath
: E.g. Premiere Pro or After Effects project path.
stitchFiles(mediaPaths: string, format: string, presetPath: string, outputPath: string): scripting object
: Adds a batch item for the given media and returns an EncoderWrapper object.mediaPaths
: Semicolon delimited list of media paths.format
: E.g. ‘H.264’presetPath
: Either a preset or a format input must be present. If no preset is used then the default preset of the specified format will be applied.
stopBatch(): bool
: Stops the batch.
Code Samples¶
addCompToBatch Example (click to expand):
var projectPath = "C:\\testdata\\aeCompTest.aep";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/aeCompTest.aep"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onItemAddedToBatch: success");
var batchItemSuccess = frontend.addCompToBatch(
if (batchItemSuccess) {
"Frontend script engine added the source file ",
" successfully "
// get encoderHost to be able to listen for the item complete event
encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
encoderHost.addEventListener("onItemEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Result: " + eventObj.result);
$.writeln("Source File Path: " + eventObj.sourceFilePath);
$.writeln("Output File Path: " + eventObj.outputFilePath);
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("batch item wasn't added successfully");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
addDLToBatch Example (click to expand):
// The projectPath can be a path to an AfterEffects, Premiere Pro or Character Animator project
var format = "H.264";
var projectPath = "C:\\testdata\\aeCompTest.aep";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var projectPath = "/Users/Shared/testdata/aeCompTest.aep"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// first we need the guid of the e.g. ae comps or ppro sequences
var result = frontend.getDLItemsAtRoot(projectPath);
$.writeln(result.length + " comps / sequences found.");
// import e.g. the first comp / sequence
if (result.length > 0) {
// listen for batch item added / creation failed event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onItemAddedToBatch: success");
frontend.addEventListener("onBatchItemCreationFailed", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onBatchItemCreationFailed: failed");
$.writeln("srcFilePath: " + eventObj.srcFilePath);
$.writeln("error: " + eventObj.error);
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addDLToBatch(
if (encoderWrapper) {
"Batch item added successfully for comp / sequence guid: ",
// listen for encode progress and encode finish events
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeProgress", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeFinished", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding result for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
// get encoder host to run batch
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("encoderWrapper not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("the project doesn't have any comps / sequences");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
addFileSequenceToBatch Example (click to expand):
var firstFile = "C:\\testdata\\Images\\AB-1.jpg";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
var inContainingFolder = "C:\\testdata\\Images";
// //sources for mac
// var firstFile = "/Users/Shared/testdata/Images/AB-1.jpg"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
// var inContainingFolder = "/Users/Shared/testdata/Images";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("onAddItemToBatch success");
var batchItemSuccess = frontend.addFileSequenceToBatch(
if (batchItemSuccess) {
$.writeln("Batch item added successfully");
// get encoderHost to be able to listen for the item complete event
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
encoderHost.addEventListener("onItemEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Result: " + eventObj.result);
$.writeln("Source File Path: " + eventObj.sourceFilePath);
$.writeln("Output File Path: " + eventObj.outputFilePath);
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("batch item wasn't added successfully");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
addFileToBatch Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added / creation failed event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onItemAddedToBatch: success");
frontend.addEventListener("onBatchItemCreationFailed", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onBatchItemCreationFailed: failed");
$.writeln("srcFilePath: " + eventObj.srcFilePath);
$.writeln("error: " + eventObj.error);
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addFileToBatch(
if (encoderWrapper) {
$.writeln("Batch item added successfully for source file ", source);
// listen for encode progress and encode finish event
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeProgress", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeFinished", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("encoderWrapper.onEncodeFinished Success: " + eventObj.result);
// get encoder host to run batch
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
"encoderWrapper not valid - batch item wasn't added successfully"
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
addItemToBatch Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onItemAddedToBatch: success");
var batchItemSuccess = frontend.addItemToBatch(source);
if (batchItemSuccess) {
$.writeln("Batch item added successfully for the source file ", source);
// get encoderHost to be able to listen for the item complete event
encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
encoderHost.addEventListener("onItemEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Result: " + eventObj.result);
$.writeln("Source File Path: " + eventObj.sourceFilePath);
$.writeln("Output File Path: " + eventObj.outputFilePath);
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("batch item wasn't added successfully");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
addTeamProjectsItemToBatch Example (click to expand):
// use for the source (projectsURL) a valid Team Projects URL or a Team Projects Snap
// you can create a tp2snap file in PPro for a ProjectItem via the scripting API saveProjectSnapshot
// e.g. projectItem.saveProjectSnapshot("C:\\testdata\\test.tp2snap");
var format = "H.264";
var teamsProjectPath = "C:\\testdata\\test.tp2snap";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var teamsProjectPath = "/Users/Shared/testdata/test.tp2snap"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added / creation failed event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onItemAddedToBatch: success");
frontend.addEventListener("onBatchItemCreationFailed", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("frontend.onBatchItemCreationFailed: failed");
$.writeln("srcFilePath: " + eventObj.srcFilePath);
$.writeln("error: " + eventObj.error);
var encoderWrapper = frontend.addTeamProjectsItemToBatch(
if (encoderWrapper) {
"Batch item added successfully for Team Projects url: ",
// listen for encode progress and encode finish events
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeProgress", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeFinished", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding result for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
// get encoder host to run batch
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("batch item wasn't added successfully");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
addXMLToBatch Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\FCP-3.xml"; // Final Cut Pro xml file
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/FCP-3.xml"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("onAddItemToBatch success");
var batchItemsuccess = frontend.addXMLToBatch(source, preset);
if (batchItemsuccess) {
$.writeln("Added xml file to batch successfully.");
// get encoder host to listen for onItemEncodeComplete event and run batch
encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
encoderHost.addEventListener("onItemEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Result: " + eventObj.result);
$.writeln("Source File Path: " + eventObj.sourceFilePath);
$.writeln("Output File Path: " + eventObj.outputFilePath);
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("batch item wasn't added successfully");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
getDLItemsAtRoot Example (click to expand):
var projectPath = "C:\\testdata\\aeCompTest.aep"; // project path
// //sources for mac
// var projectPath = "/Users/Shared/testdata/aeCompTest.aep"
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
var result = frontend.getDLItemsAtRoot(projectPath);
$.writeln(result.length + " ae comps found.");
for (var idx = 0; idx < result.length; ++idx) {
$.writeln("GUID for item " + idx + " is " + result[idx] + ".");
// These guids will be needed for e.g. the API frontend.addDLToBatch
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
stitchFiles Example (click to expand):
var format = "H.264";
var media_1 = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia.mp4";
var media_2 = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia2.mp4.";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var media_1 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia.mp4"
// var media_2 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia2.avi"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var mediaPaths = media_1 + ";" + media_2;
var frontend = app.getFrontend();
if (frontend) {
// listen for batch item added / creation failed event
frontend.addEventListener("onItemAddedToBatch", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("onAddItemToBatch success");
frontend.addEventListener("onBatchItemCreationFailed", function (eventObj) {
var encoderWrapper = frontend.stitchFiles(
if (encoderWrapper) {
$.writeln("Batch item added successfully");
// listen for encode progress and encode finish events
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeProgress", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding progress for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
encoderWrapper.addEventListener("onEncodeFinished", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Encoding result for batch item: " + eventObj.result);
// get encoder host to run batch
var encoderHost = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHost) {
} else {
$.writeln("encoderHost not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("encoderWrapper not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("frontend not valid");
Get the width, height, PAR, duration, etc about the imported source
audioDuration: string
: Returns the audio duration of the sourcedescription: string
: Returns embedded description of the sourcedropFrameTimeCode: bool
: Returns true if the timecode is a drop frame timecodeduration: string
: Returns duration of the sourcedurationInTicks: None
: Returns duration of the source in ticks (available since 23.3)fieldType: string
: Returns field type of the sourceframeRate: string
: Returns frame rate of the sourceheight: string
: Returns height of the sourceimporter: string
: Returns the importer used to decode the sourcenumChannels: string
: Returns the number of audio channels of the sourceparX: string
: Returns the X PAR of the sourceparY: string
: Returns the Y PAR of the sourcesampleRate: string
: Returns sample rate of the sourcewidth: string
: Returns width of the sourcexmp: string
: Returns xmp xml of the source
Code Samples¶
Example (click to expand):
var source = "C:\\testdata\\testmedia3.mxf";
// //sources for mac
// var source = "/Users/Shared/testdata/testmedia3.mxf"
var exporter = app.getExporter();
if (exporter) {
var sourceMediaInfo = exporter.getSourceMediaInfo(source);
if (sourceMediaInfo) {
var audioDuration = sourceMediaInfo.audioDuration;
$.writeln("audio duration of the source: " + audioDuration);
var description = sourceMediaInfo.description;
$.writeln("description of the source: " + description);
var isDropFrame = sourceMediaInfo.dropFrameTimeCode;
$.writeln("is drop frame: " + dropFrameTimeCode);
var duration = sourceMediaInfo.duration;
$.writeln("duration of the source: " + duration);
var fieldType = sourceMediaInfo.fieldType;
$.writeln("field type of the source: " + fieldType);
var frameRate = sourceMediaInfo.frameRate;
$.writeln("frame rate of the source: " + frameRate);
var height = sourceMediaInfo.height;
$.writeln("height of the source: " + height);
var importer = sourceMediaInfo.importer;
$.writeln("importer of the source: " + importer);
var numChannels = sourceMediaInfo.numChannels;
$.writeln("num channels of the source: " + numChannels);
var parX = sourceMediaInfo.parX;
$.writeln("par X of the source: " + parX);
var parY = sourceMediaInfo.parY;
$.writeln("par Y of the source: " + parY);
var sampleRate = sourceMediaInfo.sampleRate;
$.writeln("sample rate of the source: " + sampleRate);
var width = sourceMediaInfo.width;
$.writeln("width of the source: " + width);
var xmp = sourceMediaInfo.xmp;
$.writeln("xmp of the source: " + xmp);
An event to inform of batch item import completion
elapsedTime: float
: Returns the encoding elapsed time in milliseconds.onEncodeComplete: constant string
: Notify when the watchfolder job item is completeonEncodeError: constant string
: Notify when the watchfolder job encode fails
Scripting methods to watch folders
createWatchFolder(folderPath: string, outputPath: string, presetPath: string): bool
: Create a watch folder at destination for the preset and add the sourcefolderPath
: The path to the folder which should be added as watch folder
removeAllWatchFolders(): bool
: Remove all watch folders
Code Samples¶
createWatchFolder Example (click to expand):
var folder = "C:\\testdata\\watchFolder";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputFolder";
// //sources for mac
// var folder = "/Users/Shared/testdata/watchFolder"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputFolder";
var watchFolder = app.getWatchFolder();
if (watchFolder) {
var watchFolderSuccess = watchFolder.createWatchFolder(
if (watchFolderSuccess) {
$.writeln(folder, " added as a watch folder");
encoderHostWrapper = app.getEncoderHost();
if (encoderHostWrapper) {
watchFolder.addEventListener("onEncodeComplete", function (eventObj) {
$.writeln("Elapsed Time: " + eventObj.elapsedTime);
watchFolder.addEventListener("onEncodeError", function (eventObj) {
} else {
$.writeln("EncoderHostWrapper object is not valid");
} else {
$.writeln("Watch folder was not created");
removeAllWatchFolders Example (click to expand):
var folder = "C:\\testdata\\watchFolder";
var preset = "C:\\testdata\\HighQuality720HD.epr";
var destination = "C:\\testdata\\outputWatchfolder1";
var folder2 = "C:\\testdata\\watchFolder2";
var destination2 = "C:\\testdata\\outputWatchfolder2";
// //sources for mac
// var folder = "/Users/Shared/testdata/watchFolder"
// var preset = "/Users/Shared/testdata/HighQuality720HD.epr";
// var destination = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputWatchfolder1";
// var folder2 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/watchFolder2"
// var destination2 = "/Users/Shared/testdata/outputWatchfolder2";
var watchFolderObj = app.getWatchFolder();
if (watchFolderObj) {
watchFolder.createWatchFolder(folder, destination, preset);
watchFolder.createWatchFolder(folder2, destination2, preset);
} else {
$.writeln("Watch folder object is not valid");